
We developed our self defense workshop with two things in mind:

(1) This may be the only opportunity you get to practice these skills. So they need to be simple, effective, and easy to learn.

(2) We want you to be able to do everything you possible can to prevent, avoid, de-escalate, or escape a physical encounter.

The typical workshop is divided into three phases taught over four hours.

  • However, all content can be adjusted based on the needs of the group.
  • The price is $100 per hour for groups up to eight.
  • The self-defense class can be taught at our studio in the Proctor district in Tacoma, privately to individuals or families, or onsite at your location.

In the first phase the emphasis is on detection and deterrence. We go way beyond the basic skills of good awareness. We cover the difference between intellect, instinct, and intuition and how all three provide valuable information. We discuss the cultural suppression of intuition and how to trust it. We cover specific strategies of predators. We put an emphasis on predator psychology, what they want, what they want to avoid, and how they choose their victims. We then discuss strategies for avoidance and escape.

The second phase deals with defusing and de-escalation. Emphasis here is placed on understanding the interviewing phase of predators. How to develop appropriate posture, eye contact, verbal boundary setting, verbal engagement, and verbal de-escalation. Understanding victim psychology, the difference between being “threatened” and being “challenged”, and fear management. We cover personal motivations, giving yourself permission to act, and the use of indignation. Physical boundary setting, positioning, and use of obstacles are explored.

The focus of the third phase is the physical defense encounter. We cover the physiology of the fight or flight response, and how to convert and use those reflexes. Emphasis is on simple, effective, and easy to learn techniques. We discuss the legal and moral aspects of defense. We cover the use of the self defense flashlight. We explore the advantages and disadvantages of other common self-defense tools. We cover the distances at which self defense and tool use must be made in order to be effective.

The class is taught through presentations, discussions, real world situations and their outcomes, role playing scenarios, and physical confrontations with the staff in protective suits. Topics are serious so all participants must be 14 or older. Wear comfortable active clothing. Clothing may become stretched or damaged.

Your Instructors

Butch has been practicing and teaching martial arts and self defense since 1985. He is a retired Marine with 21 years of service, and holds a MA Security Management and a BSc Social Psychology. He has black belts in several martial arts as well as Instructor Certifications in modern combative systems. He also holds a variety of self defense related qualifications including Marine Corps Combat Marksmanship Instructor, and Marine Corps Martial Arts Program Instructor.

Jennifer has been practicing and teaching martial arts and self defense since 2007. She brings the unique perspective of a woman who has first-hand experience with the topics she teaches. She holds black belts in two styles of martial arts and an Instructor Certification in a national self-defense program.


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